Thoughts about my future

 So I have been thinking lately..what would happen to me if I had no parents? Would I live on the streets? Or would I build my life from zero to someplace I am really proud of? So many questions are flowing in my mind. Can't stop thinking about this stuff. I guess I never thought so much about my future. Even when I was in high school, I didn't think what to do next. I just studied. I think that I should have thought more earlier what is it that I want to do in life. It is not easy to figure this out, but I should have known better. Now I am almost 30 years old and I still am figuring things out. I should have accomplished something already, instead I am in the exact same place I was 1 year ago. I don't have a remarkable job, I still live with parents, I don't have my own home.. this list might go on even longer. How will I manage in the future, is the thing I am thinking about. Am I worried about my well-being and future? Well, the answer is Yes. Right now I am good, and I will always be, but this is thanks to my parents. I have nothing on my own. I wish I got a job fast and start building my future already. This is the right time to change my life. No one else will do it for me, no one will help me, so I need to take my life in my own hands. I am my problem. I need to take real responsibility. I know I can do it. I was a really smart kid back in the school days, all I want success in life and good decisions for myself. I hope my path to getting somewhere in life will be the best journey. 


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