Life decisions

 I am sitting behind my computer and thinking about life and things. I just want to make the most of my life, that is why I sent very many cv's around yesterday. I want to have a norma life, a normal job, a home. I wish everything was more simple than that but I need to face it. No one in the future is going to pay bills for me, so I need to be strong and brave and get a job. I know it is easy to just do nothing and lay around all day, but it won't be the rent. That is just a fact. So what I need to do is get a decent, normal job to get by in life. I know I said I will write as much as I can and I will keep doing so. I was thinking to make the home office job my permanent job, but it unfortunately pays so little, that it is just an additional income. It can pay for some bills tho. That is doable.


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