Christmas is almost over already

 So, yesterday was 24th of december, the christmas eve. Got 2 presents. A notebook or a day-planner, which I actually needed too. And two packs of confetti. Now I can write down my plans, goals and the things I do daily. Yay! I am happy for my presents. Today is saturday, had coffee and ate. We are now at our grandparents home with my mom. We are going home later today in the evening or perhaps tomorrow. We'll see. I don't know yet :)

Yesterday I thought it is a good idea to go live in Italy, but today I am reconsidering it. It is always like this. I think it is a good idea, but when it comes to actually going or doing it, I begin to hesitate. I am going to be all alone in there. In a foreign country. Although it is  perfect to just focus on myself and my life. So I have a bit of a dilemma here. Again. I think I won't actually go, but we'll see. It depends on what I want. Is Italy really my dream country? What would I do there? How can I find a job there? Might as well be sad and alone in Italy, right? Because I am all alone in Estonia. It is only me and this is my life and only I can make the right choice. To think what is best for me and where do I want to be. It is exciting, making life choices, especially the ones which will benefit me and my life. To make my life fulfilled and full of joy and happiness. What would be the best for me? Might as well make a list of pros and cons. Lets start with Italy. So, it has a warm climate, which is definitely a pro, although it gets colder in the winter time as well. Another thing I would like to add is italian cuisine. They really have very good food there. But also Estonia has very good food. So I guess food wont be the main reason why I am considering to move. Con of Estonia is low salary. I would be earning around 700-800 euros a month. If that is enough, then it is fine, but if I want to earn more, going away really is the only option. What else? Con of Italy, well it is not actually related to Italy but I would be on my own there. Completely alone, maybe no one even to talk to besides sometimes in my phone with some people. Would that satisfy me? Will I be okay there on my own? Just me. No one else. Well, I would take a pet, that is for sure. My own cute little puppy or a kitten. So I would not feel completely lost and all by myself in there. 


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