Just been chilling in my room today and for the past month literally. haven't been much outside, just in the house. well, been kinda lonely like always and just been thinking about life stuff. one day I am going to be on my own. no parents, nobody actually. I am grateful that I have a lovely family, although with some of them I rarely speak. life is so short.. one day even I won't be here anymore. won't be in this room.with my laptop, won't just be here any longer. makes me wanna live to the fullest to be honest. take every chance I can get as long as I am here and alive.maybe I should move out once and for all. but the question is where? from where to start building my independent and my own life? so far I have been living under the roof of my parents but I am only getting older and it is most likely that I need to get my own life. my own home and have a permanent job. I can't live here for forever. obviously. it is not gonna be easy I am sure, I am so used to living here and having company sometimes. when I live on my own I would be most of the time alone. weird. life is strange, that's all. who would have guessed that I end up alone in some creepy apartment? well, I guess everything can still change. at least I hope I get my own family one day. a husband I can rely on and a child or children. that is it for now.


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