Pühapäev, 30.aprill

 I am just in my room, feeling kind of bored to be honest. Wish life was more interesting than that. Yesterday I was all by myself in the evening, some weird thoughts crossed my mind. Looking around, I am all alone. All the moments have already passed and here I am sitting in my room all by myself. One day I will be entirely alone, if I don't have kids like ever and if I don't find a man. Anyways, just some thoughts that occurred to be yesterday. Today I feel fine. I am in my laptop in my room and writing this post. Today is the last day of April. Tomorrow is the start of a new month, May. Looking forward to more warmer days and mostly, the summer. Gotta be ready with dresses and cute outfits. Even though I have no plans for this summer. Just going to enjoy it as much as I can. Like going to swimming and etc. Going walking and such things. This summer I am going to be all alone, like most of my summers. Going everywhere alone and stuff. I am having the best life. Sometimes I feel alone, but that is okay. I like living though, I think life is full of optimism and I am full of optimistic views of life. That is what keeps me going. All the time :) I have so much time on my hands and I really like it. I like to be free and just be myself. Today is a good day for me. All of the days are, in some ways, they are all great. I enjoy peace and quiet all the time, it is just so good. Life is just great, I am so grateful for my life. I always find positive things about my life. Just happy to be alive and happy there are new days and new times ahead of me. I feel so optimistic today. We are having sauna too this evening, which is just so good and relaxing. Also good for health I think. Warmth and so on. I am grateful for my wardrobe, too. I have so many nice outfits. I ordered them by color in my room. Looking good, nice and tidy. :) I like tidiness. I always clean my room and keep my things in good condition. Self-care is also important to me. Gotta take care of your loving self.


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