Back from Malta

 So I discovered during the trip to Malta that I belong to some place like that. Some place like Malta or Italy. I really liked it there and I am sure that one day I will be back. I belong to a foreign country. I had so much time to think about my life and other things and I really enjoyed being away from the ordinary life here in Estonia. I had so much positive energy there and the people were so nice. So I made a plan. I am going to work here in Estonia for 4-5 months, maybe longer. And then I am going to rent an apartment in some place I choose where I could have an actual life. I am so happy that I went to Malta and a huge thanks to the people who encouraged me to do it. I really needed some time for myself and being away from everybody. I found the stewardesses job pretty awesome. Although I prefer something on the ground, if you know what I mean. So yeah, I have a plan and I hope everything goes well with it. Soon going to live in a beautiful place. But something makes me think that I am going to choose Italy or perhaps France. Who knows. Right now the plan is Estonia and maybe before actually moving somewhere I am going to check it out first. So maybe in januray going to see Italy this time. Absolutely fascinated about my trip. So glad I did it.


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