What do I want?

I am always solo. Seems like I am all that I have these days. Maybe I should change this lonesome? Or am I happy about it? I will focus this post on what I want. So I have been thinking of a family lately. Or even for some years. Would be sweet to have a little child and man, a nice happy family. But it seems it is not happening to me.. I don't find anyone and seems not many people are interested in me and my life. I hardly communicate with anyone. I am a bit worried about myself sometimes, not too much tho. But sometimes my thoughts can be pretty bad. I usually overcome those thoughts fortunately. My goal in this life is to stay positive at all times. And I really am a positive person, although sometimes it is a bit hard to keep my mood up. So here I am, home again but I am not in a well mood. Well the story is, I lost my man and after that my life kind of stalled. I have had difficulty with staying on jobs and sometimes things are not going the greatest. Of course that is normal, not everything can always be fabulous. I wish there was still some sort of happiness in my life. Of course, there already is. But I mean like someone to love, someone to go out with, that part I am missing. I need a friend. But I don't have anyone sometimes to talk to and that is not good. I feel alone. I wish that crippling feeling will pass. More on what do I want. I want to live in a foreign country for some years of my life, maybe 2 or 3 years, working somewhere in a warm country, making money and then put away some of it and buy a house. I have so many dreams, but I haven't fulfilled them to be honest. My dream is also to get married and have kids. I feel like time is running up. When will I ever get a chance for my family than not now? 


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