Job & education

Tomorrow having a job interview at 9 o'clock. I hope I am ready for it and everthing goes as planned and I will get this job. I am planning to go to work so I really need it and hopefully the position is mine. If not, I am going to stay at home until I find something. We are still at grandparents. Hopefully going to start driving soon. Other ideas, in case I don't find a job in Estonia, is to move to foreign country, maybe I have better luck there and there are more job opportunities. Another option is moving to capital, Tallinn. But I need to get an apartment there and also a job, which is what I will need money for. Going to buy another car as well and I need to pay some loans so job is a must for me now. Doing everything I can to set my life up again and get on track with life. I will definitely accomplish something at least. Maybe even going to try and go study again, but this will happen next year in the summer. I might choose the University of Tartu, but qe'll see. Get that education of my dreams and become somebody one day. 


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