Friday, woo 🥂

I am back. So I made a smoothie. Made it with frozen strawberries, bananas, milk and Be More superfoods powder. It was so good. Unfortunately, it is all finished now 😀 Watching a show named Õhtu from the tv. Put my clothes to dry and some wood in the fireplace. Just chilling at home. Today is friday and I am enjoying myself. Not going to drink anything this evening. Wow, the time flies fast here! Already 6 o'clock. Almost wake up and already so late. It is dark too already. I even saw some sun today. But for 2 seconds. Now I am just enjoying my time, nice sounds of wood cracking in the fireplace and a tv show to keep me entertained. I really like it. So I sent a bunch of cv's but with no luck. No one here wants to hire me. I don't know how I feel about it. Better to be at home and just relax of course, but I got to make a living. I started watching Breaking Bad again, it is good, can't help it. I am really starting to look forward now. Going to apply to school in the beginning of summer. That is just fantastic 🙂


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