I am greatful for myself

I washed some clothes yesterday, white coloured stuff. Today put them away nicely in my drawer. Having a nice day here, I am in a pretty good mood. I feel sparkly. I want to go to a party. I feel like going out or something. The day after tomorrow is my mother's birthday. I need to get something nice for her, so tomorrow I am going to do some shopping. I think I will get her some flowers, beautiful ones, need to search for them and maybe csh in an envelope with a birthday card. Or if I find something more nice, then that. I feel optimistic today, started my day off like that and I am going to spread the news 🙂 I feel so optimistic about life and can't wait to live another day. This is what I have been waiting for. From this day forward, I am choosing to be happy again. Happiness is a choice. I am so glad I have been blogging here for such a long time, it is now the 4th year I have been having this blog. I feel good because it is place where to get my mind into something and write about it. All about my dreams and wishes and new goals, it is nice to watch me handling the life so well over these past few years. I experienced a loss of a person, I might as well be sad about it, or I could move on with my life. And I see that I am coping with it so well. I feel like my health is very good right now and my thoughts are positive for the majority part of the days. I just never felt this kind of freedom to write and to get things off my mind here. And yes, some days really aren't my friends but despite of all I have it together. 


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